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Monroe Recreation

Recreation Master Plan

The City of Monroe’s community centers are vital public assets that serve a range of functions daily. The centers provide facilities for sports and recreation, community gathering and organizing, training and learning valuable skills, celebrations and events, and safety and refuge for those in need. Manning Architecture Interiors Planning conducted two site visits and facility assessments at each of the community centers to conduct research and begin developing their Vision Plan. The visits involved in-depth surveys and analysis of the existing conditions at the centers. City personnel also provided invaluable insight into daily operations, existing issues, and desired changes at the facilities. The Manning team actively engaged the Monroe community for input and ideas throughout the assessment and recommendation phases of the project via surveys and in-person meetings for an understanding of community use and expectations for the rec centers.

Emily P. Robinson

Saul Adler

Powell Street

Liller M. Marbles

B.J. Washington

Harvey H. Benoit

Henrietta W. Johnson

Moving Plans Into Progress