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Jobs Supported in our Region
in Generated Revenue
$ 0
of arts and culture attendees agree that the activity or venue where they were surveyed “is inspiring a sense of pride in this neighborhood or community."
0 %

The Purpose

Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6) is a study that analyzes the economic and social impact of the nonprofit arts and culture industry.

Non-profit arts and culture organizations in the US – over 100,000 in number – contribute to the betterment of communities by adding beauty, celebrating diversity, and bringing joy to residents, and they rely on funding from the government and private sectors. Shrinking budgets and shifting economic priorities have made funding difficult. Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 shows that investing in the arts industry strengthens the economy and creates livable communities. Creating opportunities to host authentic experiences that attract visitors can boost tourism.

Most people appreciate nonprofit arts and culture organizations as wonderful amenities that improve community livability, but we must remember these are also businesses. They employ people locally, purchase supplies and services from nearby businesses, and engage in the marketing and promotion of their cities and regions. Their very act of doing business—creating, presenting, exhibiting, engaging—has a positive economic impact on the community. The support of these organizations is crucial to continued growth and prosperity in Ouachita Parish

The Process

The City of Monroe’s Department of Economic Development played a crucial role in a collecting the data necessary for this research project to measure the economic impact of nonprofit arts and culture organizations in Ouachita Parish. For 12 months, this team attended arts and cultural events across Ouachita Parish to administer anonymous surveys, prepared by the Americans for the Arts specifically for this purpose, to capture and gather data showing the impact of culture on the economy. Additionally, another component of this process involved arts and cultural organizations. In collaboration with local and statewide partners, 59 eligible organizations were successfully identified within the community. Responding to the Call for Participants, they ensured the inclusion of 24 organizations, achieving a commendable 40.7% participation rate. The department collected survey data on fiscal year 2022 expenditures, attendance, and various contributions from these organizations. This local implementation and data collection effort were instrumental in providing accurate insights into the economic impact of nonprofit arts and culture in Ouachita Parish, contributing significantly to the overall success of the research project.

The Collection Of Data

Americans for the Arts conducted AEP6 to document the economic and social benefits of the nation’s nonprofit arts and culture industry. The study was conducted in 373 diverse communities and regions across the country, representing all 50 states and Puerto Rico. The City of Monroe Department of Cultural & Economic Development joined the study on behalf of Ouachita Parish. For additional information including the national report, summaries for the 373 communities, an online calculator, and a description of the project methodology, visit www.AEP6.AmericansForTheArts.org.

Sound Diplomacy

The Impact

In Economic Activity in 2022
$ 0 Million
$ 1

Arts & Culture Organizations

$ 1

In Event-Related Expenditures

Jobs Supported
$ 1

In Personal Income

$ 1

In Tax Revenue For Local, State, & Federal Government

Direct Economic Activity Organizations Audiences Total Expenditures
Total Industry Expenditures (FY2022) $7,805,845 $52,201,864 $60,007,709

Economic Impact of Spending by Arts and Culture Organizations and Their Audiences

Total Economic Impacts (includes direct, indirect, & induced impacts) Organizations Audiences Total Impacts
Employment (Jobs) 161 817 978
Personal Income Paid to Residents $4,304,747 $19,081,857 $23,386,604
Local Tax Revenue (city and county) $509,999 $1,609,000 $2,118,999
State Tax Revenue $558,836 $1,818,162 $2,376,998
Federal Tax Revenue $639,171 $3,153,735 $3,792,906

Event-Related Spending by Arts and Culture Audiences Totaled $52.2 million

Attendance to Arts and Culture Events Local Attendees Non-Local Attendees All Attendees
Total Attendance to In-Person Events 937,678 166,772 1,104,450
Percentage of Total Attendance 84.9% 15.1% 100.0%
Average Per Person, Per Event Expenditure $46.43 $51.96 $47.28
Total Event-Related Expenditures $43,536,390 $8,665,474 $52,201,864

Nonprofit Arts and Culture Audiences Spend an Average of $47.28 Per Person, Per Event

Category of Event-Related Expenditure Local Attendees Non-Local Attendees All Attendees
Food & Drink $10.88 $9.62 $10.69
Retail Shopping $16.06 $16.21 $16.09
Overnight Lodging (one night only) $2.03 $2.48 $2.10
Local Transportation $4.05 $6.77 $4.46
Clothing and Accessories $6.18 $7.54 $6.38
Groceries & Supplies $4.10 $6.92 $4.53
Childcare $2.01 $0.87 $1.84
Other/Miscellaneous $1.12 $1.55 $1.19
Overall Average Per Person, Per Event $46.43 $51.96 $47.28

Source: Arts & Economic Prosperity 6: The Economic and Social Impact Study of Nonprofit Arts and Culture Organizations and Their Audiences in Ouachita Parish. For more information about this study or about other cultural initiatives in Ouachita Parish, contact the City of Monroe Department of Economic Development.

Copyright 2023 by Americans for the Arts. To learn more, visit www.AEP6.AmericansForTheArts.org.

Audiences Demonstrate Appreciation for the Impact of Arts and Culture

Level of Agreement with Social Impact Statements Audiences
“This venue or facility is an important pillar for me within my community.” 83.9%
“I would feel a great sense of loss if this activity or venue were no longer available.” 85.2%
“This activity or venue is inspiring a sense of pride in this neighborhood or community.” 91.7%
“My attendance is my way of ensuring that this activity or venue is preserved for future generations” 89.3%

Get Involved

Learn about your cultural impact with our custom calculator. The calculator is based on the survey data that was collected from organizations and audiences in Ouachita Parish, and the economic input-output model that we customized specifically for your community.

Click to use our calculator

Explore the vibrant culture, arts, and community of Northeast Louisiana by visiting https://nelaarts.org/.